task 1:

 Find a distinctive still image and write an analysis of the mise-en-scene.

LIGHTING- the room is dimly lit with soft light coming from the window, creating a stark contrast between light and dark. The figure is silhouetted, giving the scene a sense of mystery and isolation. The use of low-key lighting enhances the somber mood, focusing the attention on the lone figure while the surrounding darkness highlights solitude.

SETTING/ SPACE- the large window occupies the center of the frame, while the figure sits directly in front of it, emphasizing isolation within the vast, empty room. The room appears minimalist with little to no furniture visible. This emptiness adds to the feeling of loneliness, allowing the focus to remain on the unknown figure.

COMPOSITION- The framing of the scene positions the figure directly in the middle. This position highlights their solitude and connection to the outside world. 

COLOUR- the colour palette is dominated by greys and black, which creates a melancholic mood. The cool tones further enhance the feeling of detachment and emotional distance, suggesting the figure is immersed in sadness.

SYMBOLISM-  The window itself is a powerful symbol. It suggests a boundary between the figure and the outside world, possibly presenting a longing for freedom. The figure's posture facing the window indicates a desire to escape, reinforcing the theme of isolation.

Comparative Mise-en-Scène Analysis of Two Film 

I’ve chosen two clips from very different genres to compare: one from a horror film and another from a sci-fi series.

1. Clip 1: Horror – A Quiet Place (2018)

2. Clip 2: Sci-Fi – The Expanse (TV Series, 2015)

Mise-en-Scène in A Quiet Place (Horror)

In A Quiet Place, the mise-en-scène creates an atmosphere of constant tension and fear. This is shown in the following:

Setting: Set in a post-apocalyptic rural landscape, the environment is almost pastoral, with large, open fields and rustic houses. However, this seemingly peaceful setting is made terrifying by the unseen threat that lurks at every moment.

Lighting: Most of this film occurs in dim, natural light, often around twilight. The low-key lighting perfectly creates a sense of danger, with shadows and darkness playing on our fear of the unknown.

Costume: The characters wear simple, practical clothing that doesn’t draw attention. Their costumes, in earthy tones like beige and grey, reflect their need to blend into their surroundings. Perhaps the producer has decided on casual clothing so the audience can relate to the characters.

Space and Composition: The framing often isolates characters within large, empty spaces, making them seem vulnerable and exposed. There’s a lot of negative space in the frame, which creates a sense of unease, During moments of high tension, the camera pushes in for claustrophobic close-ups, almost trapping the audience in the characters’ fear.

Acting and Performance: The acting in A Quiet Place relies heavily on facial expressions as they portray expressions of fear, shock, and tension. Body language is also used to convey their heightened anxiety. The performances are intense yet restrained, reflecting the constant fear they live in.

Props: The use of props is not just background details, they are tools of survival, helping the family navigate through the danger they are in.

Mise-en-Scène in The Expanse (Sci-Fi)

In The Expanse, the mise-en-scène leads the audience into the futuristic, technologically advanced setting of space travel. This is seen in the following:

Setting: The action shifts between vast space stations, cramped spaceships, and void of space. The design of the ships and stations reflects a world driven by technology and order, but one that is also cold and detached.

Lighting: The lighting is bright, artificial, and harsh, with a lot of cold lighting that gives the interiors a clinical feel. The contrast between the sterile environments inside the ships and the endless darkness of space outside creates a tension that fits the genre perfectly.

Costume: The characters wear utilitarian outfits eg jumpsuits, uniforms, and space gear that are functional above all else. These costumes reflect the different roles and statuses of the characters, whether they’re engineers, military officers, or civilians.

Space and Composition: The interiors of the ships are often tightly framed, adding to the claustrophobic life in space. Long corridors and narrow rooms build a sense of confinement. In contrast, wide shots of the vast emptiness of space remind the audience how big the universe is, which dwarfs the characters.

Acting and Performance: The characters in The Expanse are often calm, methodical, and focused, reflecting the high-stakes world of space politics and warfare. Their communication is filled with tension, shown through their controlled movements and precise dialogue.

Props: High-tech gadgets, and futuristic weapons, once again emphasize the genre of this movie. These props are crucial as they serve as plot devices in the story.

Comparison of Mise-en-Scène in Both Genres

Setting: While A Quiet Place uses a rural, almost pastoral setting to present the terror of silence, The Expanse relies on the futuristic coldness of space stations and ships to reflect the isolation and tension of life in space.

Lighting: Both films make use of low-key lighting but in different ways. In A Quiet Place, the dim lighting hides threats in the shadows, playing on fear of the unknown. In The Expanse, the lighting is harsh and artificial, emphasizing the cold nature of space.

Costume: While A Quiet Place features earthy, grounded colours to reflect survival in a natural world, The Expanse shows futuristic designs that fit the sci-fi genre.

Space and Composition: Both films use space to create tension. A Quiet Place leaves its characters exposed in wide-open settings, while The Expanse tightens the frame to emphasize the claustrophobic life in space.

Props: Props in both films are vital to the plot – in A Quiet Place, they are tools for survival against alien creatures, while in The Expanse, they reflect the advanced technology of space travel.


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