Two of my favorite productions shown in the Media Awards were short films produced by Diyari and Ragini. Their production had a variety of aspects of media techniques which enhanced their great production. The clever use of high-key and low-key lighting throughout their film created a dramatic tone and sense of mystery, evoking emotions of fear or threat. The sound effects also played a vital role in their pieces of work, mimicking the intensity of the scenes. For example, this was seen in Diyari's work where he opened the mysterious box, and we also see this in Ragini's work where the actors are running and the sound effect is faster, emphasizing the breathlessness and the pace within that moment. Furthermore, both producers take close-up shots to show the actor's vulnerabilities at specific times and the camera work is done incredibly as the camera clearly tracks characters as they navigate in the setting, creating suspense. The additional use of zoom on props such as the box in Diyari's production builds anticipation and hints that perhaps something ominous is going to occur.

The mise-en-scene is precisely used in both pieces as we witness both settings are in mysterious, eerie places, almost isolated. This once again reflects on the dramatic tone and creates tension. The facial expressions on the character's faces evidently explore the theme of mystery and fear as the actors in both productions show changes in their expressions throughout the build-up of their films. To further add, it is also noticeable how the casual clothing helps portray the characters as real, everyday people, making them relatable to the audience. Or perhaps the producers have chosen casual clothing to create a contrast with the tensed environment/setting.

Overall, both these productions were done with great effort and precision as multiple media techniques were used to engage the audience and make their films extremely interesting and attractive.


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